Year of Empowerment
First and foremost, "Happy New Year!" Thank you for returning to my blog and trusting me to share tools to support your personal growth and development journey. I would be remiss if I didn't recognize that yes, I know this is my first post of the year in May, but please extend your girl some grace. It's hard being a PhD student and full-time employee but she manages. That aside, this year the theme for the blog will be empowerment.
Empowerment is the will and motivation to act on and pursue things that we regard as beneficial to our lives. With this being a self-improvement blog it's fitting to make sure that we continue to find intrapersonal motivation for improvement.
This is also the perfect opportunity for me to reiterate my desire to motivate, encourage, support, spread love, and provoke conscious thought through each post. Because if we are not learning and growing, we're stagnant, and what's the sense in that.
Cheers to making 2024 a great year!